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Owl's Nest

Daily classroom lessons & class community building time

whooo, what, when, where, why

Every student meets with their classroom teacher and peers for a daily 10-15 minute classroom meeting. Each day students will log into the Rhithm App for a daily check-in on their readiness to learn and participate in a short classroom discussion that will build friendships and teach communication skills.



Rhithm is a student and staff wellness check-in tool. The platform selects an ideal 1-3 minute SEL activity/intervention video to regulate well-being based on user given data from a simple emoji assessment.

For more information visit: Rhithm | Education & Humanity | Innovation in Social Emotional Learning

Ask a Question

Asking questions of our students every day gives them the opportunity to learn and reflect.  It gives them insight into their own thoughts and feelings as well as an understanding of those who think and feel differently than they do. It builds communication, collaboration, and leadership skills.

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